A podcast where you join me (Roshan!) as I chat to everyday heroes. From bold ideas, to new perspectives, we cover it all.

Life Chhats:
The Podcast

Your perfect friend for those moments alone. Join us! 


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- A person, from a land far far away 

I launched this podcast as a bit of fun and to try to provide some free value during COVID-19 hearing from a variety of voices. I've had some good feedback, but, not here to sell it to you. Have a listen. I hope it serves you. 🙏

"Ooh-wee that feels good"

- Random dog in the park

I launched this podcast as a bit of fun and to try to provide some free value during COVID-19 hearing from a variety of voices. I've had some good feedback, but, not here to sell it to you. Have a listen. I hope it serves you. 🙏

"Roshan! Seriously, can we be friends?"


I launched this podcast as a bit of fun and to try to provide some free value during COVID-19 hearing from a variety of voices. I've had some good feedback, but, not here to sell it to you. Have a listen. I hope it serves you. 🙏

"Your guests should wear capes. They're every day heroes, indeed"

- reality check

As we've only just launched I'm going to dream some up for now...watch this space and send me your testimonials to be featured! (...and let me know what you'd like more of!)

"You're having too much fun with this Roshan. Maybe rein it in a tad"

What listeners are saying

The world we live in today I find very interesting. It has so much to offer yet we have some how trained ourselves to miss it. We take for granted all the things we have, when really, it's all we need! I'm no exception to this, but, I like to think I've now found a better way. In fact I don't just think it, I feel it too. 

But this didn't come easy. To quote cold play, "when you get what you want but not what you need", the mental flashes of "WTFs" start kicking-in. The good thing about living fast is you can learn lessons fast too, if you choose to.   

The Life Chhats podcast gives you a chance to join me on this journey. With health and vitality at it's heart, I hope you'll listen in - and it's all free

Hi, I'm Roshan.

I like going places fast but sometimes even I need to slow down – point myself in the right direction and enjoy the journey – otherwise, I ask myself, what's the point?! 

Meet your host